This course gave an overview of aspects involved in running a sustainable creative practice. Seminars covered a range of relevant topics – from Personal Branding to Tax - which gave me an insight into the concrete steps required to establish a career. I learned many key business terms which I had never been exposed to before (i.e. Unique Selling Point and "Always be Closing") which I will carry forward when considering how I market myself. As a sculptor, I work in a specific field which does not follow conventional procedures for generating work. However, this course gave me practical methods to capitalise on my talent including quoting and charging for work, which type of employment contract works best for specific projects, tapping into the hidden job market, and finding my niche.
The emphasis on planning our vision, and how our personal values flow into our creative work was a key takeaway for me. This course instilled a sense of possibility that establishing my own career is completely achievable.
- Participant (sculptor) from 2019
Hi Paula thank you so much for all your effort during the course I found it fantastic. It was really informative thorough and such such a welcome space for learning.
In particular I enjoyed the module on self employment, it was a real eye-opener into the challenges / extra tasks to take into account one would face when going out on their own. With this in mind I have to rethink if that is what I want to do 🤨… Or whether it’s actually a lot less hassle to just work for an established organisation (that has an accountant, Kiwisaver sorted already etc).
The other module I found of great use was the interview coaching techniques that really allowed me to gain a better understanding of what employers may or may not be looking for - some pro tips!
Last but not least my next favourite was employment law… A lot of information is food for thought, and great for all of us to be more aware of.
Some exciting news for me, I have been asked back for a 2nd interview for the Lord of the rings filming production … I am hoping to get a production assistant role on this picture and working with Tina from Work and Income so fingers Crossed.