Career Interest Inventories:
Career Quest: Career Quest is a free assessment on the CareersNZ website. It takes just 15 minutes to explore job ideas matched to your areas of interest.
Truity Personality Profiler: Based on the Holland Code (below) and the Big Five system of understanding personality traits, this assessment will show you which careers suit your strengths.
The Holland Code Career Assessment : John Holland’s Theory of Career Choice (RIASEC) maintains that people fit into one of six personality types: Realistic; Investigative; Artistic; Social; Enterprising; and Conventional. These six areas of personality indicate an individual’s preference for the kinds of people they wish to work with, the environments that will let them use their skills and abilities, and where their attitudes and values can be expressed.
Career Anchors : The concept of the Career Anchors was introduced by Edgar Schein. A Career Anchor is something that develops over time and evolves into a ‘self-concept’ which shapes an individual’s personal identity or self-image and includes talents, skills, and abilities, motives, and needs and our attitudes and values.
Work Values test : In this work values inventory, fourteen career values are identified: Autonomy, Creativity, Variety, Structure, Self-development, Influence, Work-life balance, Financial reward, Security, Prestige, Performance, Working conditions, Work relationships and Altruism. The test will give you a full and detailed report.