More Feedback

It's that time of the month again to thank everyone for participating on my programme. And what makes it all worthwhile is when I know people are really happy with how much I genuinely care for them and want them to succeed, not only in their professional lives but personal too.

Here is some feedback from my participants:
"The staff are very caring yet professional with a sensitive to needs approach that worked for me … for me personally it was very wonderful and just what I needed to motivate me." – Demita (illustrator and author).

"I found the programme to be very beneficial and it has helped me with so much that it has exceeded my expectations. I liked the personal nature, exploring things in myself that even I had forgotten about, and Paula is great!! Paula's sincerity and compassion, and just having someone who seems to understand my circumstance. … Staff are superb, Paula pushed me the right amount." – Aaron (musician).

"I think Paula worked a good line between encouragement and keeping a bit of pressure on … I have increased my students, my gigs and have a long term theatre show 'Punchkin' to work on - all during the course. Thank you for your support!" – David (musician).

"Helps you realign and define yourself with who you are, what drives you and what you find stimulating. Also Paula is most suited, was easy to talk to and happy. Staff were excellent!! Think they handled me fine, I do not have a preference to either as I'm adaptable as hell. Gained international supports and hype and buzz around my newest band Dole Day Rage!!! which is getting rave reviews everytown we play. ... You're gold." – Ra (musician).

"It opened up my eyes as to what else I'm interested in and has given me more options for the future. Would like a Facebook group where different artists can communicate who are on the programme and help each other that way. … Since starting the programme, we have started work with an international producer who has worked with such bands as Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and UB40 … We have also collated some awesome end of year festival shows through the means of the footage we acquired in September." – Kane (Musician/singer). – And yes, Kane I am working on a Facebook idea.

"The staff are amazing, really get a good vibe and you can tell they really care about you and are passionate in their work. … I can't thank Paula enough for her hard work and support – Clayton (dancer).

"Positive and strong encouragement … Since beginning the course my confidence has grown. I have developed and matured in my approach to my art and in maintaining discipline to work even in the few times I don't feel like it. I am now confident and ready to put my art out in the world. Thanks to this course." – Jacki (artist).

"Very helpful, the push was fine, it was not patronising and allowed you to develop at your own pace." – James (musician/DJ).

So thank you again and all the best for the future, and I'm only an email or chat away.